Sky Rocketing Expectations from Mobile Apps

Deepak Panda, Head IT, Century Plyboards (I)

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With the passage of time, the de­mand for mobile apps has been growing expo­nentially. As per survey, by the end of 2019, the number of mobile users will reach 3 billion. In future, there would be a rapid demand for mobile apps not only for enterprise segment but also for the private and domestic segment. Therefore, a lot of opportunities are open for all those start-ups who are into mobile application development. However, they have to rigorously work on the innovations and out-of-box thinking to fulfil the customer’s requirements. The competition is high and there is a major transforma­tion happening in the entire gamut of information system. Currently, virtual reality and artificial intelli­gence is serving as mirror depicting the future of the IT industry. Execu­tives wants technology to work as brain load balancer for them, simul­taneously they want technology to behave as a mentor, assistant, trainer or a guide for them as well. The mo­bile applications are assisting the hu­man mind in decreasing the load of mundane activities.

The users can be business users as well as consumers. A lot of tools and technologies available in the market mobile app development, however it is important for a mobile app start-up to select the right tools, tech­nologies, and processes to develop such products.

Some of the fundamental guide­lines to become a successful mobile app development company are:

Updated with Emerging Technolo­gies: A business should keep track of new trends and have the scale up option looking at customer’s future needs while keeping the product up to date. Such companies should be ready to switch/fit-in to all kind of platform as and when comes in, never know what would be the next on demand.

Mobile app development start-ups should develop cross-platform support apps that can be deployed to smart phones, notebooks, tab­lets, wearable devices and any other handheld device; moreover, it should be scalable enough to fit into chang­ing technologies.

Clarity on Goals: There should be a clarity on the purpose of the ap­plication development, the targeted customers and its benefit for the cus­tomers. A complete study from the end user’s prospective needs to be done prior to product development. The entrepreneur should know what he is investing into and the develop­ment team should plan a complete roadmap.

Innovation: Out of box thinking while simultaneously considering the customer’s need and pocket. The ROI factor should be the most prior­ity. There should be consistency in the approach and should not make frequent changes in the look and feel. A single box with lot’s benefits to the end user always creates prior­ity and value for the product. The mobile app start-up needs to strate­gize the plan to use correct tools, techniques, resources and the allo­cated budget.

Scalable and Bug Free Application Development: Technology changes in lightning speed, hence if the scal­able options not taken care of then the market survival becomes chal­lenging.

Moreover, the current mobile user is more concerned about their information security, privacy and ease of access. So bugs are unaccep­table. Take an example of payment gateways used for online transaction through mobile apps. It is highly recommended to use best security practices to ensure the information security.

Product testing and pilot version launching: In depth testing of the fully loaded application, to make the same crash proof and bug free before a launch is vital. Also, a pilot version launching for a certain period is rec­ommended within own network to find out all the loopholes and rectify it before final the launch. Some of the pitfalls to avoid:

• You application should not be an energy hungry app. Burning too much of battery may lead to deletion of your app by the user to conserv­er precious battery power. No user wants to run out of battery while on the go.

• Not testing your product on dif­ferent screen size hand held devices including tablets can be a major pit­fall for the app failure.

• Using third-party tools for cross platform support mobile app devel­opment may create a lot of depend­ence on the tool and its update to keep the app up with OS upgrades.

• Using a synchronous design can be a setback as we cannot expect the user to be connected to the web al­ways. Avoid hang-up when user is in Async mode.

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